Monday, November 7, 2011

Buttons has a new place to hang out - on top of my bedroom door!  She jumps quite a distance to get up there and I think she enjoys looking DOWN at everyone!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yesterday when I got home from work I couldn't find Buttons.  We looked high and low for the quirky little cat!  We even checked outside JUST in case she figured out how to open the door or window.  We couldn't find her anywhere!

So I decided to look in my husband's closet.  There she was, cowering in the corner.  Apparently she slipped in there sometime during the morning and got closed in.  She is terrified of my husband, so when he got home, there was NO WAY she was coming out!

I finally coaxed her out...and she ran straight into MY closet where she spent the rest of the evening!

Poor skittish kitty!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How do they do that?

I don't need an alarm clock.  I have two kitten-cats that want to be fed at 5:30 a.m. every day.  Yes, even on weekends!  And sometimes even earlier than that...sigh!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Zipper and Buttons were fascinated with watching the recent snowfall - for about 5 minutes!  I guess it was too much of a good thing.  I brought some of the snow in the house for them to explore, but other than sniffing it a few times, they didn't find it very interesting.

Oh well!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Say "Cheese!"

I tried to recreate a previous picture to do a size comparison from about a month and a half before.  Buttons heard me and decided that a front view was much better. :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Loveable, Huggable!

Well, guess its no knitting for me for a while.  Both kitties have their energy back, and since they now are allowed to roam most of the house, there's no place to knit without one or two "helpers!"  Oh well!